2020 Awards & Recognition(轉貼)


2020 Awards & Recognition

2020 Awards & Recognition | Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering (washington.edu)(詳情請點閱)

Bob Bandes Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching

The Bob Bandes award was established in 1984 in memory of Bob Bandes, a Computer Science graduate student who died in a skydiving accident on August 21, 1983. The award recognizes exceptional performance by undergraduate and graduate students who have served as teaching assistants (TAs) in the Allen School. A total of 575 students served as TAs for various Allen School courses over the past year, including 375 undergraduate students and 205 graduate students. Students and instructors submitted nearly 600 nominations putting forward 180 TAs for consideration as part of the 2020 Bandes Awards.

Chung-Yi Weng (Honorable Mention)

Chung-Yi Weng is a Ph.D. student who served as graduate TA for CSE 457, Computer Graphics.

"Chung-Yi has been absolutely incredible, he has even instructed me on how to run the class. Actually, let me rephrase that: he ran the class. This was my first time teaching an undergraduate course, and Graphics is a hard class with many coding projects, artifacts, homeworks, etc. It's a lot to manage and I would have been simply doomed if it was not for Chung-Yi. He prepared the code in advance, making changes to improve on the past year, he led all of the staff meetings, and met with students all the time to help with questions.”

"Chung-Yi put in a ton of work to keep the class running smoothly. He was extremely helpful and kind, you could tell he really cared about the course and wanted everyone to enjoy it."


2020 年獎項和認可

2020年獎項和表彰| Paul G. Allen 計算機科學與工程學院 (washington.edu)(詳情請點閱)




Chung-Yi Weng是一名博士生,曾擔任CSE 457計算機圖形學的研究生助教。





Chung yi weng

CVPR 2022 Oral | 2D視頻有3D體驗!華盛頓大學&Google:對單目視頻中人物進行自由視角渲染!作者 : Chung-Yi Weng (翁仲毅)(轉貼)